
Joggers Safety

Jogging or running is often seen by many health activist as a common way of getting some  fresh air, burning of calories, losing weight  and  general body maintenance, improving  general health such as reduction in bone loss and controlling high blood Pressure, among others. This practice is mainly done on our nation’s roads. However, motorists are constantly complaining of the problems faced with Joggers and runners especially when these activities are done in the night.
One complaint is that persons do not pay attention to oncoming traffic while jogging. When Jogging or Running  one should pay attention at all times, keep your ears attuned to the street noise that surrounds you whether its is a barking dog, oncoming vehicle or rumbling engine, footsteps or honking horn. It is a common practice for many joggers while jogging along the road to listen to their favourite song on an iPod or radio or have a good conversation on our cellular phone with a friend which may make the walk less lonely and more enjoyable, it also make it more dangerous because these activities will cause you to be less focus on your safety.
You must remember always run or jog on the side where you are facing oncoming traffic, drivers seems to habitually forget pedestrians.  Where traffic is visible to you, you are visible to them, in that way you can see potential danger and take quick action as oppose to travelling on the side where oncoming vehicles is behind you. Cross the road with caution remind yourself of the safety rules you learnt as a child.
Another complaint is that persons do not wear suitable clothing, this does not relate to style but colour.  If you must run or jog at night or poor daylight condition, help other road users to see you.  Wear or carry something light coloured fluorescent or use reflective materials for better visibility and when jogging or running in full day light wear bright coloured clothes, this will help you stand out against the background  e.g. armband, waistcoats sashes and jacket which can be seen by drivers using headlights.  During dust or dawn it is more difficult for drivers to see you.  Jogging or running in dust or dawn when you may be less noticeable is especially problematic despite the fact that it may be more convenient to jog or run before or after work.
It is very important when jogging or running that one put safety first. Though it is a healthy practice it can also be very hazardous if one fails to take the necessary precautions.

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Royal Grenada Police Force

It is our resolve to continue to ensure a safe environment by delivering the highest quality of law enforcement services through partnership with stakeholders and other law enforcement entities. We will sustain robust engagement with our citizens and form partnership with local, regional and international partners in the pursuit of ensuring safer communities.
Edvin Martin
Commissioner of Police

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  crd (@) rgpf.gd
  Fort George, St. George's

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