
Proper Use of 911

When contacting the Police for emergencies: Dial 911
For non-urgent services phone your local police station. A list of numbers is available here.
NOTE: If you ring your local station (911) and the line is engaged the call will automatically be transferred to our Communications Center at Police Headquarters St. George’s. Please tell the communicator where you are calling from.
Use 911 when you need immediate help with NO delay.
  • Anything that is HAPPENING NOW or has JUST HAPPENED, and
  • People are in danger, or
  • Property is in danger of loss or damage, or
  • A crime is being or has just been committed and the person or persons who did it is/are nearby, or
  • There is a major public inconvenience.
  • Fire
  • Marine emergency
  • Dial 911 on any telephone.
  • 911 Calls on payphones and mobile phones are free.
  • If you are using a PABX extension dial 9 or as appropriate for an outside line first (9 -911).
  • When the POLICE communicator answers, clearly explain the emergency and answer the questions that will be asked.
Some emergencies will need more than one service (Fire, Ambulance and Police). Ask for the service which is needed most urgently.
For example; a car crash with serious injury would require Ambulance and Police. The ambulance are needed the most urgently to deal with the injured. Ask for AMBULANCE when dialing 911.
All emergency services have a direct link to each other and the initial service called will notify the other services if they are required.
Don’t use 911 for non-urgent calls for service. For example;
  • To report incidents or crimes that have already happened sometime in the past and a rapid police response is not likely to affect the outcome.
  • For routine enquiries.
Using the 911 system does not automatically mean that your call will get priority action. All calls for assistance are dealt with on the basis of their urgency, and the number of other urgent calls needing attention. Dialing 911 to report an historic burglary will not get the police to your house any faster. It just means that someone with a genuine emergency will have to wait a little longer while your call is dealt with.

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Royal Grenada Police Force

It is our resolve to continue to ensure a safe environment by delivering the highest quality of law enforcement services through partnership with stakeholders and other law enforcement entities. We will sustain robust engagement with our citizens and form partnership with local, regional and international partners in the pursuit of ensuring safer communities.
Edvin Martin
Commissioner of Police

Contact us

  crd (@) rgpf.gd
  Fort George, St. George's

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