Western Division

The mandate of the Western Division is to secure and provide policing services to parishes of St. John, St. Mark and St. Patrick.
Key areas of responsibilities are:
- Security of three parish towns and their environs: Gouyave, St. John; Victoria, St. Mark, and Sauteurs, St. Patrick.
- Security of key institutions such as the Gouyave and Victoria Magistrate’s Courts
Division Headquarters
The headquarters of Western Division is located at:
Gouyave Police Station
St. John
Telephone number: +1 (473) 444-8350
The Division is under the command of Superintendent of Police Leroy Langaigne
Four police stations operate within the Western Division. To ensure full and effective coverage of the Division each station is assigned to service specific areas as prescribed in the Second Schedule to the Police Regulations, Chapter 244 of Volume 11 of the 2010 Continuous Revised Edition of the Laws of Grenada.
Gouyave Police Station:
Address: Gouyave, St. John
Telephone numbers: +1 (473) 444-8224 / 8223 Cell: +1 (473) 405-3962
Officer in charge: Inspector Trevor Rodney
Gouyave Police District Service areas:
Barbay Village, Belvidere Estate (also Birchgrove), Belle Vue Snagg Village, Bopland Estate, Brothers Estate, Clozier Estate, Doctor Belle Village, Dougaldston Estate, Faith Estate, Florida Estate, Gouyave Estate, Government Lands, Forest Reserve, Gross Point Village, Loretto Estate, Marian Estate, Mt. Cenis Estate, Mt. Desire Estate, Mt. Felix Estate, Mt. Granby Village, Mt. Nesbit Estate, Pedemont Estate, Plaisance Estate, Reneton Estate, Rennie Estate, Rose Mont Estate, St. Mary’s Estate, Shadeau Estate.
Victoria Police Station:
Address: Victoria, St. Mark
Telephone numbers: +1 (473) 444-8424 Cell: +1 (473) 405-3138
Officer in charge: Woman Inspector of Police Adrine Lewis
Victoria Police District Service areas:
Apres Tout Estate, Belair Estate, Belfontain Estate, Belle Vue Estate, Belle Vue Village, Belmont Village, Big Mountain Estate, Bocage Estate, Bonair Estate, Coast Guard Village, Crosby Hill Estate, Diamond Estate, Gross Point Village, L’Esperance Estate, Mt. Cenis Estate, Mt. Edgecombe Estate, Mt. Nelson Estate, Mt. Stanhope Estate, Mt. St. Laurent Estate, Maran Estate, Maran Village, Nettle Point Estate, Nonpariel Estate (now Grayfish), Nonpariel Village, Pauperance Estate, Phillippine Estate, Providence Estate.
Sauteurs Police Station:
Address: Sauteurs, St. Patrick
Telephone number: +1 (473) 405-9068
Officer in charge: Inspector of Police Glen Charles
Sauteurs Police District Service areas:
Burnside, Belvidere, Brighton, Celeste Village, Florence Estate, Gunton Estate, High Gate, LaFortune, LaMode, La Taste, Levera Estate, Mt. Craven Estate, Mt. Craven Village, Mt. Rodney Estate, Mt. Rose Point, Madeys Village, Marli Estate, Mon Repos Estate, Morne Fendue Village, Plains Estate, River Sallee Estate, River Sallee Village, Rose Hill Estate, Rio Grande Estate, Shamboird Estate, Snell Hall Village, Spring Hill Estate, Islet Ronde, Isle de Caille, Les Tantes, Green Island, Sandy Island, Levera Island, Sugar Loaf.
Union Police Station:
Address: Union, St. Mark
Telephone number: +1 (473) 442-9225;442-0276
Officer in charge: Corporal of Police Brian Calliste
Union Police District-Service areas:
Belle Vue Estate, Bieitre Estate, Castle Hill Estate, Chantimelle, Darvi Estate, Diego Piece Village, Duquesne Estate, Duquesne Village, Fountain Estate, Industry Estate, Maligan Estate, Mormon Hill Estate, Mt. Airey Estate, Mt. Alexander Estate, Mt. William Estate, Mt. William Village, Prospect Estate, Resource Estate, Samaritan Estate, Spice Grove Estate, Stanton Grove Estate, Union Estate, Union Village.