
RGPF Coronavirus Preparedness

  • 10 Mar 2020
The Royal Grenada Police Force (RGPF) will soon be releasing to its members a policy document on the protocol to be followed in response to calls for services in light of the imminent threat posed by the Coronavirus (COVID 19) virus.
Over the last two weeks the RGPF Executive team and senior command structure held several meetings with officials of the Ministry of Health (MOH) on the current global state of the epidemic and the country’s readiness to combat it.
The Royal Grenada Police Force will continue to work with all stakeholders as we partner together and have shared responsibilities for the safety and security of our
Source:       Office of Commissioner of Police
Contact:     Office of Community Relations,
        Professional Responsibility and Audit
                   440-3764; 405-5324
Date:          Tuesday 10th March, 2020
Read 2731 times

Royal Grenada Police Force

It is our resolve to continue to ensure a safe environment by delivering the highest quality of law enforcement services through partnership with stakeholders and other law enforcement entities. We will sustain robust engagement with our citizens and form partnership with local, regional and international partners in the pursuit of ensuring safer communities.
Edvin Martin
Commissioner of Police

Contact us

  crd (@) rgpf.gd
  Fort George, St. George's

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