
Statement by the Royal Grenada Police Force Guidelines for Fishermen and Farmers

  • 15 Apr 2020

In keeping with the exemption granted to fishermen, the Royal Grenada Police Force, acting on the advice of the Cabinet of Grenada, hereby advises that only small boats will be allowed to engage in fishing, with two persons per boat.

With regards to seine or net fishing, 12 persons are permitted to manage the net, with three being positioned at each end.

Provisions are not currently made for the larger trawler-type fishing vessels, but this will be taken into consideration and a subsequent announcement will be made.
The RGPF commends the fishermen for undertaking to ensure that physical distancing protocol will be observed in the permitted activities.

To ensure compliance with the operating guidelines established by the RGPF, a police officer will be present to observe the activity whenever a net is pulled in. The RGPF advises that should there be any violation, the activity will be discontinued.

Under the approved exemption, fishermen are not permitted to sell their catch directly to the public to prevent the potential for crowding and violation of the physical distance protocol. All sales will be made to licensed vendors who will package the product in 2, 5, and 10-pound bags for sale to the public.

The public is advised that all sales will be made from the fish market, or by the vendor travelling through the villages. All fishing activities, including sales, will take place on regular shopping days.

With regard to farm produce, six farmers’ markets will be established on the three assigned shopping days this week, at the following locations:
· The National Athletics Stadium Car Park – St. George
· Victoria Vegetable Market – St. Mark
· Gouyave Vegetable Market – St. John
· Natural Works – St. David
· Sauteurs Bus Terminus – St. Patrick
· Grenville Bus Terminus – St. Andrew
. Petit Martinique Emma’s Supermarket

On the sister island of Carriacou, residents will be serviced through the MNIB depot and established vendors, in keeping with the protocol on COVID-19.
Farmers wishing to sell their produce at the established markets on the assigned shopping days, are required to contact the Ministry of Agriculture on 417-2355 to confirm their participation.

The RGPF advises farmers and vendors of the following guidelines:
· A maximum of two persons will be allowed per vending station, in keeping with physical distancing protocols
· Masks or other type of face covering must be worn at all times.
· Frequent hand washing or the use of hand sanitizers is strictly required.
· A vending station may be established with small tents or at the back of a pickup, where feasible.
· Farmers/vendors should have a minimum of 700 pounds of fresh produce
· Fresh produce should be pre-packed in bundles, valued at $5, $10 and $20.
· Farmers are expected to set up between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
· Produce should not be stored on site at the end of the shopping day.
· Farmers and vendors must maintain their assigned location over the designated period.

The RGPF further advises that small farmers/vendors and established roadside vendors are allowed to operate their activities on the assigned shopping days on Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. All are reminded to adhere to established protocols on COVID-19.

The erection of new booth or vending stations along the roadside is not permitted, and persons should refrain from loitering in the vicinity of roadside vending locations.

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Royal Grenada Police Force

It is our resolve to continue to ensure a safe environment by delivering the highest quality of law enforcement services through partnership with stakeholders and other law enforcement entities. We will sustain robust engagement with our citizens and form partnership with local, regional and international partners in the pursuit of ensuring safer communities.
Edvin Martin
Commissioner of Police

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  crd (@) rgpf.gd
  Fort George, St. George's

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