
Circulating of pornographic videos/images

  • 21 Oct 2020

Circulating of pornographic videos/images

The Royal Grenada Police Force is cautioning members of the general public against circulating pornographic videos and images via various social media platforms.  

The RGPF advises all individuals who are involved in distributing these videos and images, that they are violating the Electronic Crimes Act, and may be prosecuted for same.  The maximum fine for breaches under this Act carries a fine of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) or a maximum term of imprisonment of three years, or both.

Members of the public are warned to desist from such practices, as failure to do so can have dire consequences to the parties involved.  

Source:       Office of Commissioner of Police

Contact:     Community Relations Department

                   440-3764; 405-5324

Date:          Wednesday 21st October, 2020

Read 4289 times

Royal Grenada Police Force

It is our resolve to continue to ensure a safe environment by delivering the highest quality of law enforcement services through partnership with stakeholders and other law enforcement entities. We will sustain robust engagement with our citizens and form partnership with local, regional and international partners in the pursuit of ensuring safer communities.
Edvin Martin
Commissioner of Police

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  crd (@) rgpf.gd
  Fort George, St. George's

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