
Five Men Remanded to HMP

  • 30 Nov 2020

Four (4) St. Andrew residents and one (1) St. George man was remanded to Her Majesty’s Prison on Monday November 30, 2020, for various infractions.    


Anderson Clement, 34 years, Farmer of Mt. Rose, St. Patrick, was arrested and charged Sunday November 29, 2020, for a series of breakings within the St. Andrew area.  In one particular case, items valued at one hundred and twenty-three thousand dollars ($123,620.00) ECC were stolen.


Simmons Horsford, resident of Mt. Horne, St. Andrew, Randy Neckles of Birchgrove, St. Andrew and Kellon Mc Donald of Paradise, St. Andrew, were also arrested and charged, over the weekend, and brought to the Grenville Magistrate’s Court for the offences of Grievous Harm and two (2) counts of Causing Harm, respectively.  They are all scheduled to return to court on December 9th, 2020.


Further, Winston Smith, 51 years, Businessman of Grand Anse, St. George, was brought before the St. George’s Magistrates Court for alleged breaking into the Grenada Red Cross Office and the US Peace Corps Office.  He was remanded to Her Majesty’s Prison and will reappear in court on December 11, 2020.


Police investigations are continuing.


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Royal Grenada Police Force

It is our resolve to continue to ensure a safe environment by delivering the highest quality of law enforcement services through partnership with stakeholders and other law enforcement entities. We will sustain robust engagement with our citizens and form partnership with local, regional and international partners in the pursuit of ensuring safer communities.
Edvin Martin
Commissioner of Police

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  Fort George, St. George's

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